Pineal gland; day and night (Human)


Pineal glands were obtained from NDRI (National Disease Research Interchange; Pennsylvania Medical Center, Philadelphia, PA). Two glands were from individuals who died at mid-day (11:00-13:00) and four from deaths occurring at mid-night (23:00-01:00). Samples were stored at -80C until use.

RNA Preparation

RNA was extracted from individual glands with Trizol (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) and subsequently cleaned up using an RNeasy Micro Kit with on-column DNase treatment (Qiagen, Valencia, CA). The amount and quality of RNA were determined using a NanoDrop spectrophotometer (NanoDrop, Wilmington, DE) and an Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA), respectively. RIN values ranged from 7.3-8.7.

RNA-Seq library preparation and sequencing

Ribosomal-depleted RNA was used to construct stranded libraries from 1 µg aliquots of total RNA using a TruSeq Stranded Total RNA Sample Prep Kit (Illumina cat. no. RS-122-2301) according to the manufacturer's instructions. The library insert sizes were approximately 170 bp. Unique barcode adapters were appended to each library. The pooled libraries were sequenced on a HiSeq 2500 (Illumina, San Diego, CA) using version 4 chemistry. This yielded an average of 81 million 126-bp read-pairs for each sample.

Bioinformatics methods

See bioinformatics methods for details.


The following table describes the sample metadata for this experiment. Accessions in GEO, BioProject, and SRA link to their resepective entries. Raw data were downloaded as FASTQ format using fastq-dump for each of the SRR run accessions.

Note: scroll to the right to see the full extent of the table.

samplename Label BioSample Experiment SRRrun SRA_Sample Sample_Name SRA_Study BioProject LoadDate MBases MBytes Assay_Type Center_Name Consent DATASTORE_filetype DATASTORE_provider Instrument LibraryLayout LibrarySelection LibrarySource Organism Platform ReleaseDate AvgSpotLen InsertSize source_name tissue
Pineal_Gland-Day-1 human_pineal_gland_day-1 SAMN07278521 SRX2956606 SRR5756462 SRS2313809 GSM2684714 SRP110509 PRJNA391921 2017-07-13 20826 10834 RNA-Seq GEO public sra ncbi Illumina HiSeq 2500 PAIRED cDNA TRANSCRIPTOMIC Homo sapiens ILLUMINA 2018-02-01 252 0 died at mid-day (11:00-13:00) Pineal Gland
Pineal_Gland_Day-2 human_pineal_gland_day-2 SAMN07278520 SRX2956607 SRR5756463 SRS2313810 GSM2684715 SRP110509 PRJNA391921 2017-07-15 19427 10164 RNA-Seq GEO public sra ncbi Illumina HiSeq 2500 PAIRED cDNA TRANSCRIPTOMIC Homo sapiens ILLUMINA 2018-02-01 252 0 died at mid-day (11:00-13:00) Pineal Gland
Pineal_Gland_Night-1 human_pineal_gland_night-1 SAMN07278518 SRX2956609 SRR5756465 SRS2313811 GSM2684717 SRP110509 PRJNA391921 2017-07-14 20764 11094 RNA-Seq GEO public sra ncbi Illumina HiSeq 2500 PAIRED cDNA TRANSCRIPTOMIC Homo sapiens ILLUMINA 2018-02-01 252 0 died at mid-night (23:00-01:00) Pineal Gland
Pineal_Gland_Night-2 human_pineal_gland_night-2 SAMN07278519 SRX2956608 SRR5756464 SRS2313812 GSM2684716 SRP110509 PRJNA391921 2017-07-15 20701 10847 RNA-Seq GEO public sra ncbi Illumina HiSeq 2500 PAIRED cDNA TRANSCRIPTOMIC Homo sapiens ILLUMINA 2018-02-01 252 0 died at mid-night (23:00-01:00) Pineal Gland
Pineal_Gland_Night-3 human_pineal_gland_night-3 SAMN07278517 SRX2956610 SRR5756466 SRS2313813 GSM2684718 SRP110509 PRJNA391921 2017-07-14 19381 10032 RNA-Seq GEO public sra ncbi Illumina HiSeq 2500 PAIRED cDNA TRANSCRIPTOMIC Homo sapiens ILLUMINA 2018-02-01 252 0 died at mid-night (23:00-01:00) Pineal Gland
Pineal_Gland_Night-4 human_pineal_gland_night-4 SAMN07278516 SRX2956611 SRR5756467 SRS2313814 GSM2684719 SRP110509 PRJNA391921 2017-07-15 19698 10283 RNA-Seq GEO public sra ncbi Illumina HiSeq 2500 PAIRED cDNA TRANSCRIPTOMIC Homo sapiens ILLUMINA 2018-02-01 252 0 died at mid-night (23:00-01:00) Pineal Gland